“He saved my only leg!”
Having a rather unusual medical history, with a tendency to swell a great deal, Dr. Leon Root noted how swollen and hard my calf was (Dr. Joseph Lane amputated my right leg a year ago/infection) Dr. Root ordered an Ultrasound and MRI to rule out DVT and infection.
My leg continued to swell, and Dr. David Helfet had looked at my leg, immediately rushed me to the OR and did a 4 compartment release saving my only leg!
I was discharged after 8 days, but had an issue where my local ER took my pressures which showed they were 85. I went against local medic advice in CT for fear of getting another infection, and told Dr. Helfet’s PAs I would get down there first thing in the AM.
Once again, he opened all of my compartments to avoid the extensive swelling to keep happening. I have had 5 surgeries since April 12 thru present time. Yesterday, I had Dr. Helfet do a final debridement and Dr. Gayle did a flap/skin graft. The care here is outstanding.
Dr. Leon Root, Dr. David Helfet, Dr. James Farmer, and Dr. Joseph Lane are all too doctors and well worth the trip into NYC from CT. They saved my life, and have always treated me with respect and care. I applaud that facility.
Dawn Bray
New Britain, CT