Giving Back to Those Who Got Her Back on Her Feet
Newswise — Just before Christmas 2008 Nancy Abbate* and her husband were traveling to a family event in the Poconos when the car hit a patch of ice, crashed into a tree, severely injuring Nancy. Her husband did not survive. Rushed to a nearby hospital, Nancy was stabilized while her family contacted Dr. David Altchek, co-chief in the sports medicine and shoulder service at Hospital for Special Surgery. Before retiring, Nancy had worked with Dr. Altchek for 22 years, first as a head nurse in ambulatory surgery and then as a fundraiser for the Institute for Sports Medicine Research. Immediately, Dr. Altchek arranged to have Nancy airlifted back to New York City for care at Special Surgery. He contacted Dr. David Helfet, director of the hospital’s Orthopedic Trauma Service, who was leaving for a holiday trip to South Africa.
Immediately, Dr. Helfet went to work repairing her numerous orthopedic injuries: many of the large and small bones of her legs were broken in several places, including near her knees; her foot and ankle were crushed; she had several broken ribs; and four cervical spine fractures.
*Photo Credit: Hospital for Special Surgery
Full article: Giving Back to Those Who Got Her Back on Her Feet . (2017). Newswise.com. https://www.newswise.com/articles/giving-back-to-those-who-got-her-back-on-her-feet
Tags: David Helfet MD