Posts Tagged ‘Broken Kneecap’

Patella fractures (knee)

A 39-year-old female slipped and fell while walking on ice onto her left lower extremity and left knee. Radiographs taken in our Emergency Department revealed a left-sided transverse patella fracture.

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Lana - Broken Kneecap

“I can only recommend HSS with the highest regard.”

I had a very serious accident in Israel this past summer where I broke both of my Patellas. After surgery in Israel and staying a week in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, it was recommended that I come back home to New York and see Dr. David Helfet at HSS. I was lucky enough to get an appointment for the morning after my arrival. Needless to say that it was an extremely stressful trip back home.

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Larry - Broken Ankle/Kneecap

“Heal Well; Heal Fast!”

I’m a 60 year old active male who loves slalom course water skiing, snow skiing and an avid cyclist. I’m considered a guy that always “goes for it.” I’ve been banged up a lot over the years, but always came back stronger. My long time orthopedist says I have big balls and no talent :).

Aug. 29th, 2014…Hit head on by a car going 40 mph while on my bicycle in Copake Lake, NY. I suffered a shattered left knee cap, pylon/trimellioar fracture of the right ankle, and a fractured right hand.

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Ron - Leg/Knee Injury

“You changed my life.”

July 4, 1990 on a nice sunny day is when I took a ride on my nephew’s motorcycle and was cut off and ran into a fire hydrant about 50 MPH. My right leg took the impact and there were multiple compound fractures of my femur, tibia, fibular and I serrated my femoral artery. I was rushed to RWJ hospital in NJ where I almost died from blood loss.

Luckily, there was a fantastic surgeon on call that day and my leg was put back together and in a few years it was time to look further for other solutions for my chronic pain and discomfort which brought me to HSS. I first met with the hospital’s trauma head Dr. David Helfet who treated me for various infections through a few years.

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Our Patients

  • “I thank the doctors at NYP/HSS for giving me my life back.”

    ~ Caitlyn Kearns

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  • “We could not have wished for a better outcome given a very severe and untimely injury.”

    ~ James DeSousa

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  • “I will be forever grateful to these amazing doctors.”

    ~ Olivia D’Angelo

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  • “They were able to piece me back together where others were not.”

    ~ J. D. Pelaez

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  • “I was able to return to my passion, which was skiing big mountains.”

    ~ Tim DiPietro

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  • “The level of expertise and care is beyond imagination. Dr. Helfet is an artist.”

    ~ Herve Duteil

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  • “The entire hospital staff were just amazing from the instant we rolled through the doors throughout the entire stay.”

    ~ Victor Katz

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David L. Helfet, MD

535 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021

212-606-1888 phone
212-628-4473 fax

New York Fracture Care

Contact Us

David L. Helfet, MD 

Dean G. Lorich, MD

David S. Wellman, MD